Ways To Support Your Library:

Participate in Programs

Your attendance at programs also shows the government the importance of the library when funding is allocated. In addition, it helps make the library an important space for building community.
Monetary Donation

The library accepts monetary donations and they will be used according to the donor's wishes. Previous donations have provided support for collections, services, and summer reading programs. Cash or checks can be dropped off at the library.
Check Out & Return Materials

When you check out materials from the library, you indicate to the government that the library is a needed resource. This helps us when government funding is allocated.
Memorials for Loved Ones

You may choose to honor a loved one through a memorial donation to the library. You can indicate a particular area of the collection for which the donation should go. Bookplates will memorialize your gift.
Planned Giving & Bequests

Bequests have the advantage of creating meaningful future gifts without lessening the assets available to you during your lifetime. Bequests can be made for the benefit of the library program of your choice, and may consist of the entirety or a portion of your estate. In order to ensure your intentions are properly handled, you should be specific in your will.
Donation of Used Materials
Selover accepts donations of books, DVDs, music CDs, magazine gift subscriptions, etc. The library does not automatically add donated items to its collection and does not accept outdated textbooks or encyclopedia sets. We depend on donations of used materials to provide some of the materials for our collection, items for our used book sales, and contributions for our Little Free Libraries in Chesterville, Sparta, and Marengo.
What Happens to My Donated Materials?
Once an item is donated, it becomes the property of Selover Library and will not be returned to the donor. Selover Library reserves the right to use any donated materials as the library sees fit, whether it be added to our collection, donated to others, turned into a craft, or discarded.
Does the Library Provide Appraisals?
Selover Library does not appraise or assign value to donated materials or provide inventories of items donated.
What Does the Library Accept?
We are actively seeking new and gently used books, DVDs, CDs, games, and puzzles. We cannot accept the following items:
- Items in poor condition, whether it’s something that smells bad, is tattered or soiled, or has missing pages or pieces.
- Textbooks or reference books over ten years old.
- Magazines over two years old.
- Encyclopedia sets.
Where Can I Bring My Donation?
Please place donations in a box or bag and deliver them to the library when we are open. This keeps your donations in their best possible condition. If you have just a box or two, the front door is fine. If you have more, call us in advance for instructions. Please leave our book drop available for our patrons to return their materials by placing no more than three donated items in it per day. Please do not leave donations outside the library when the library is closed.
What Should I Do with the Books the Library Won’t Take?
We understand that it can be hard to throw away books because books are precious. Sometimes, though, books get to the point where they are too outdated or tattered to attract a new reader. Just remember that those old magazines and books can be turned into new reading materials if you recycle them. Paperbacks and magazines can be recycled in our community’s paper recycling. Hardcover books need their covers and bindings removed first before going into the bin.​
Paperbacks and magazines can be recycled in our community’s paper recycling. Hardcover books need their covers and bindings removed first before going into the bin. If you have more than a few books to recycle, contact Morrow County Recycling at 419-946-6400.