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Borrowing of Library Materials

Policy last updated: 08/18/21



All Ohio residents are welcome to apply for a Library card. Library cards are issued at no charge.


Adults age 18 and over are required to fill out a short application form, show photo identification, and provide current address to a staff member at the circulation desk to receive a Library card.


Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to receive a Library card. The application form must be completed. If the child does not have photo identification, the photo ID or Library card of the parent or legal guardian may be used instead.



A Library user is responsible for all materials checked out on their Library card. If such materials are lost, damaged or returned late, the Library card owner is responsible for paying the applicable fees. The parents/legal guardians of a child younger than age 18 are financially responsible for all materials checked out on a minor’s card. The parents/legal guardians are also responsible for the appropriateness of materials checked out to their child, including electronic information.


It is the responsibility of the Library card owner to notify the Library immediately if:

  • a card is lost or stolen

  • a change in name, address, phone number or email occurs.



Library materials are loaned for the following periods:


  • Books and Audiobooks: Check out for 2 weeks–2 auto-renewals. Check out as many as you want. 

  • MagazinesCheck out for 1 week–2 auto-renewals. Check out as many as you want.

  • Movies: DVDs and Blu-rays: Check out for 1 week–2 auto-renewals. Educational movies are 2 weeks. Adults can get 8, children 4 with permission. 

  • Music CDs: Check out for 2 weeks–2 auto-renewals. Check out 5 at a time. 

  • Games and PuzzlesCheck out for 2 weeks–2 auto-renewals. Check out 4 at a time. 

  • E-Books & More: Check out e-items up to 21 days, limit 20. Sign-up with the Libby app and your library card.

Items borrowed through Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL) by a Library patron are subject to the loan rules of the lending organization 



Eligible Library items will be automatically renewed for additional loan periods. However, items on reserve for other customers cannot be renewed. Items borrowed through Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL) by a Library patron are subject to the loan rules of the lending organization.



When items are 10, 20, and 30 days past due, customers receive notification by text message or email. On the 30th day overdue, a bill for the replacement cost is generated and billed to the patron. When an item is lost or damaged, the cardholder is required to pay the cost of the item plus the processing fee. The parents/legal guardians are responsible for such charges on a child’s card. Items not returned after 18 months are deaccessioned and patrons must compensate the library for the full retail price of the lost item. Items borrowed through Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL) by a Library patron are subject to the loan rules of the lending organization. Check out and renewal of items is blocked if fees total more than $3.99 on a library account. 


Borrowing of Library Materials

Computer & Internet Use Policy

Policy last updated: 08/18/21



The following Terms of Use apply to all Library computer use and Internet access. 

The Library provides access to the Internet and other electronic services to further its mission of selecting informational and educational resources of value to the community. These services are offered in conformity with the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read policy and the Freedom to View policy.

The Internet contains many different kinds of material, some of which may be deemed to be of a controversial or offensive nature. In offering Internet access, the Library staff cannot control nor assume total responsibility for:

  • Access points reached

  • The content of interactive communication such as e-mail and newsgroups

  • The validity of information

  • Accessibility due to technical difficulties or Internet reliability

  • Privacy of information from any websites left open by a customer

By using the Library's network, customers agree to the following:

  • These workstations are part of the Library's Local Area Network (LAN). Each workstation in the network is set up to run pre-installed software only.

  • Do not attempt to run your own software, customize files, or change configurations.

  • Do not turn off the computer or reboot the system. Ask a Library staff member for assistance.

  • To improve privacy of online service accounts, such as e-mail, electronic ordering, etc., log out of each such service when finished with it.

  • When finished using the workstation, be sure to remove any personal storage devices and log off of the workstation.



In order to comply with contemporary community standards regarding obscenity as defined in 2907.01 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Library deems as inappropriate the following uses and practices:

  • Display of sexually explicit graphics

  • Display or transmission of profane, abusive or threatening language

  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials.

  • Violating any local, state, or federal statute.



Parents are responsible for their children's use of the Internet; the Library accepts no responsibility for children’s internet use. Access to material that is considered harmful to juveniles as described in the OBSCENITY section of the Ohio Revised Code 2907.31 is not permitted because those materials do not support the mission of the Library. For more information on child safety on the Internet, we recommend viewing the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's NetSmartz program.



Computers and peripherals are not to be opened or disassembled for any reason. Furthermore, deliberate altering of any aspect of any computer, peripheral, or associated firmware/software in a manner that defeats security measures protecting the integrity of computers, software configurations, or network systems will result in the loss of library computer privileges and possible legal ramifications. Destruction or damage of equipment due to willful misuse will result in legal action. Willful removal of any part of the computer will be considered theft and will result in legal action. 

Customers violating any usage guideline will be asked to stop. If the violation continues, the customers will forfeit computer and library privileges. 



Users accessing the Internet do so at their own risk and the Library is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by users from the Internet.

The Internet is not monitored; users may encounter material they find offensive. 

In order to comply with contemporary community standards regarding obscenity as defined in Section 2907.01 of the Ohio Revised Code, the library deems as inappropriate the following uses and practices:

  • Accessing pornographic materials and sexually explicit graphics

  • Display or transmission of profane, abusive or threatening language

  • Transmission of threatening, obscene or harassing materials

  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials

  • Violating any local, state, or federal statute

Users violating acceptable use standards may lose Internet, computer and library privileges



Customers who access pornographic sites, attempt to access password functions and otherwise violate the Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy are abusing computer services and are subject to losing computer, Internet and library privileges. Library staff will intervene by following procedures to address policy violations, including securing name, address, library card, issuing a "cease and desist" warning, and up to termination of library card and/or use of the library.


Computer & Internet Use Policy

Customer Conduct & Library Security

Policy last updated: 07/20/22



The Selover Public Library Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules for public behavior in Selover Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) that are necessary to: 

  • Sustain an environment that is conducive to the purpose of the Library for customers and staff.

  • Ensure the use of the facilities, materials, and services by the greatest number of individuals.

  • Preserve those materials and facilities from harm.

  • Ensure the safety of Library customers and staff.


Any misconduct that hinders the use of Library materials or services, that disturbs the use of the Library by other customers or Library staff, or endangers the safety of the customer in question or other customers or Library staff, is prohibited. Such misconduct might include, but is not limited to:

  • Loud or boisterous behavior.

  • Conversation that is disturbing to other customers or staff.

  • Profanity or other abusive language toward other customers or toward staff.

  • Possessing any weapon on Library property, unless authorized by law.

  • Damaging Library furniture, equipment, or materials.

  • Harassing others, either verbally or through actions. Harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations, impeding entering or exiting the building, etc.

  • Taking photographs and/or recording videos of Library staff or patrons without their permission. 

  • Fighting on Library property.

  • Using tobacco in any form, or e-cigarettes, while inside the Library building. 

  • Possessing, selling, or using alcoholic beverages or illegal substances on Library property. Exception: some library sponsored programs may allow alcoholic beverages, for those age 21 and over. 

  • Buying, selling of any kind, or soliciting for personal gain or charitable purposes (excluding approved library programming).

  • Using any personal listening device at a level that can be heard by others.

  • Skating or skateboarding anywhere on Library property.

  • Distributing literature, taking surveys, or asking customers or staff to sign petitions within the Library building.

  • Bringing an animal, other than a service animal, into the Library building.

  • Not wearing shirt or shoes.

  • Leaving personal property unattended.

  • Using an emergency exit at times other than an emergency.

  • Any activities prohibited by law.

The Library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, personal equipment, and coats/outerwear for the presence of library materials.

The above rules are based on powers granted to a public library board of trustees under the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3375.40(H).



Library staff are authorized to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission which violates the Library’s rules for public behavior and detracts from the decorum of the Library. Such an individual will be asked to change the problem behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not evident or forthcoming, that individual will be asked to leave Library property. Failure to leave, if asked, will result in law enforcement being called. A violation of section 2911.21 of the Ohio Revised Code (Criminal Trespass) will be considered if the individual does not leave of their own accord.


Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave the building and property may be banned from returning to the Library for a set period of time. Such individuals will be informed of the date they may return to Library property. If the banned customer is a minor, the child’s parent or legal guardian will be informed of the reason for and the length of the ban.

Any banned individuals who enter Library property may be arrested for trespassing.



Courts have held that a public library is a “limited public forum.” “Limited” means it is a place to exercise First Amendment rights, subject to reasonable restrictions as to the time, place, and manner for doing do.


The Library supports free speech, but also reserves the right to establish the following guidelines for anyone who wishes to gather signatures for a petition or distribute information on Library property. Such persons must:

  • stay outside the Library building when gathering signatures or distributing information.

  • avoid positioning themselves or any objects, such as tables and chairs, on the walkways so as not to obstruct ingress or egress to the Library building.

  • treat Library customers in a polite, low-key manner.

  • refrain from using equipment for audio amplification.

Any person who does not follow these guidelines will be required to leave Library property; however, a petitioner/distributor of information who is willing to adhere to the guidelines will be welcome to substitute in their place.



The Library welcomes and encourages customers of all ages to visit the Library and take advantage of the programs, services and resources that it offers. Responsibility for the safety and behavior of minors always rests with the parent, guardian, or assigned adult caregiver, and not with library staff. Staff cannot act in loco parentis, nor can Library staff supervise unattended youth. Children under age 8, especially, should always be in sight of and closely supervised by a parent or responsible adult caregiver. Any child under age 8 not within sight of their parent or responsible adult caregiver in the Library will be considered abandoned. If a reasonable effort to locate the parent or responsible adult caregiver is not successful, the police will be called to take charge of the abandoned child. 



No stranded child, 17 years or younger shall be left on Library property at closing time. A child will be considered abandoned if parent, legal guardian or assigned caregiver is not present at closing time. In this case, staff will call the police and ask them to assume responsibility for the stranded child. Two staff members will remain with the stranded child until police arrive.



Customers should be attentive to their property while in the Library or on Library grounds. The Library is not responsible for a customer’s lost, damaged, or stolen property.


Customer Conduct & Library Security

Materials Evaluation & Selection

Policy last updated: 08/18/21



Philosophy and Goals

The Selover Public Library Board of Trustees, working with the staff of the Library, affirms the following objectives:

  • To serve all the people

  • To provide a variety of materials and programming for everyone’s informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs

  • To provide qualified staff to give guidance in the use of materials

  • To provide access for all people

  • To initiate a leadership role in the community to serve as a link between the individual and the community

  • To inform the public of Library resources and services

  • To support intellectual freedom


The Library adheres to the principles of the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to View, and the Freedom to Read statements adopted by the American Library Association.


In a free society, information on different points of view should be readily available to allow individuals to decide which ideas are meaningful to them. The public library is the institution that provides free access to these ideas. The Library, consequently, has the responsibility for selecting materials, which reflect a wide variety of ideas and may contain controversial points of view. Since the Library has a responsibility to protect the rights of all users, it does not limit the use of its collection. Library staff may offer guidance in selection; however, monitoring the reading, listening, and viewing of children is the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians.


The needs, interests and points of view of the Library’s community range over the spectrum of all subjects inherent to contemporary society. The Library has a responsibility to provide a diversity of materials in various formats. Materials are selected to reflect changes in educational, cultural and intellectual ideas and the impact of new technology within the limitations of budget and space.


Criteria for Selection

While a single standard cannot be applied to each potential item for selection, materials are judged by the following criteria: 

  • Availability and suitability of format

  • Suitability of subject, style and level for the intended audience

  • Critics’ and staff’s reviews

  • Reputation of the publisher or producer; authority and significance of the author, composer, filmmaker, etc.

  • Timeliness or permanence of the material

  • Quality of writing, design, illustrations, or production

  • Relevance to community needs

  • Potential and/or known demand for the material

  • Relative importance in comparison with existing materials in the collection on the same subject

  • Availability and accessibility of the same material in the local area


These criteria apply to purchased and donated materials as well as special collections.


Materials Evaluation & Selection
Online Privacy Policy

Online Privacy Policy

Policy last updated:  08/18/21


Selover Public Library is committed to customer confidentiality. The confidentiality of library records is a core part of library ethics. We support and protect the confidentiality of our customer records in accordance with the applicable laws of the state of Ohio and the United States Constitution. This page will inform you of how we collect customer information online. By using the Library’s site, you consent to this privacy policy. This policy may change from time to time, so we encourage you to check this page periodically.



The Library may use web-based forms to collect information from you online. For example, to receive a library card, customers are required to provide identifying information, such as name, birth date and mailing address, through a secure web form. Customers may update this information at any time via their online accounts or in person. The Library does not collect credit card information or any other financial information. The Library will give customers the opportunity, through online forms, to provide us with further information to personalize and enhance their service.



The Library will use this information to communicate with our customers and to administer those services they have chosen to use.



Yes. An HTTP “cookie” is a small text file that is sent to your browser from a website. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifiable information. Many electronic services offered by the Library, such as the library catalog, place temporary cookies to help you control browser sessions. The Library may use the record of cookies issued to help us see how our website is being accessed and when, but not by whom.



The Library does not sell your personally identifiable information. The Library uses third party service providers and technologies, including infrastructure, database and other similar service providers, to help deliver some of the Library’s online services to customers. The Library may share customer information with these providers to the extent necessary for those providers to provide such necessary services to the Library.


Through its online platforms, the Library may provide access to third party collections, databases, widgets, applications, websites, collaborative features and other similar services. However, if customers access any of the services made available by the Library, such use of those platforms are governed by the privacy policies and practices of those third parties. The Library is not responsible for the privacy practices of these parties, though we welcome any inquiries our customers may have about them. The Library recommends that customers read any applicable privacy notices and policies of any such services they may access through the Library’s online services before accessing them.


Contact Us:

Selover Public Library

31 State Route 95 W Chesterville, OH 43317


Phone: 419-768-3431

Fax: 419-768-2249

Connect With Us: 

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  • Facebook


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Sunday & Monday Closed

©2025 Selover Public Library

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